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  1. Beginners Guide

    Sunday 21 April 2013

    Combat Tips
    This is where the learning curve occurs. Unlike point-and-click games, RaiderZ will require you to be much more focused and active in combat. You can throw nearly all your point-and-click habits out the window because chances are they won’t help you here.

    Don’t do it. Standing during combat goes in the no-no jar. The only exception is if you’re in a party and you don’t have the aggro…then maybe you can get away with standing. Even in that case, you should always be aware of what is happening so that you are on your toes and ready to move if/when you have to.
    You need it! The best comparison I can think of is a boxer in a ring. You will hardly ever see a boxer standing still…they are always moving around, stepping in and out, dodging and evading. The same is true for RaiderZ. If you use long-range attacks, you stand to benefit the most from kiting-type movement tactics. If you use close-range attacks, you stand to benefit the most from guarding and dodging. Because you have so many defensive movement options available to you, you should be using them as much as possible so that you increase your survivability.
    Lock Target
    You can lock your target by pressing the Y key. This means you will keep the “target” bar locked at the top of your screen so you can always see its name, HP, distance, and so on. If you don’t lock your target you can lose it when you navigate your crosshairs away. Whether you want to use this is up to you. It may be more beneficial in some situations than others.
    Changing Weapons
    You can switch between weapons by using the Tab key. Your character has two sets of weapons at all times and whichever one you want to use is up to you. This option is probably more useful to hybrid builds that need to use different weapons in order to use skills from other trees. It can also be beneficial to those who switch between weapons based on long-range and close-range combat scenarios. Note that the animation for changing weapons has a decent time consumption, so it’s not ideal for fast-paced combat.
    Attacking with Weapon
    You can attack with a weapon by clicking the left mouse button. This is a close-combat melee attack only. If you click it three times, it forms a sort of chain attack. You cannot use a skill while you are using the left mouse button to attack.
    Combat Tactics
    This is not a full list, but it should give some idea of what options you have.
    I will call it kiting, but it’s closer to the “in and out” technique in boxing. Players who fight long-range will benefit the most from this. As your opponent is moving in, you should be moving away. While your opponent is in the middle of an attack or dodge animation, you should be executing an attack. This is really easy to do in PVE because mobs do not cancel their animations and they are highly predictable. If you get good at this tactic your survivability increases drastically.
    Don’t be confused; this doesn’t mean lying down and playing dead. Feints are maneuvers designed to distract or mislead, done by giving the impression that a certain maneuver will take place, while in fact another, or even none, will. This works well in both PvE and PvP because it forces your opponent to act in a certain way (to your benefit). In PvE, you should try to force a mob to attack as this locks it into an animation and allows you to add distance or cast an attack*. In PvP, you should take advantage of animations that can fool your opponent. The less predictable you are, the greater advantage you have. *PvE Example: Try this with an Uruk in Teress Plain (they are slow and easy to practice with). After engaging the mob in combat, cross directly in front of it, and then back in front of it again. This makes the mob target you as you’re passing and locks them into an attack animation where you are no longer standing. It gives you the entire duration of the attack animation to counterattack safely.
    Cast Breaking
    Cast breaking is when you cancel your own skill cast. A lot of people like to commit to skills once they start casting them, but RaiderZ combat doesn’t always favor the committed. If you know you’re casting something that will miss, then cancel it. Don’t waste the skill cost on an attack that won’t hit. If you’re casting something, but you’re about to be attacked, then you might consider canceling the skill in order to dodge or get out of the way. This depends on the opponent and the attack they’re using against you, but it’s not always a good idea to take the hit.
    Every player can dodge, so this is a great tactic to learn! A dodge means that you will take zero damage from an attack because you have moved out of its range at the last second. It costs 30 Stamina. It can be a little tricky to learn at first because some people will dodge when they don’t need to (a mistake that makes you vulnerable in PvP). In other words, if you have the time to run out of the way instead of dodging, then you should just run. How can you tell if you’ve done it correctly? If you see white text pop up that says “Dodge” then you did it right. If you dodge and there’s no white text, it means you did it too early and probably had time to move away without dodging. It’s all about watching your opponents animations and having good timing.
    *Note: A dodge is an animation that you cannot cancel. This means once you execute it, you are locked into the animation. I believe it’s ~1 second long and you cannot use skills while dodging.
    Directional Jumping
    Every player can use a directional jump, so this is a great tactic to learn! A directional jump means that you will take zero damage from an attack because you have moved out of its range at the last second. But wait, doesn’t this sound like dodging? It should because it is nearly the same. The only difference is that directional jumping does not cost any Stamina. It’s also a bit more flexible because timing is less of a concern; as long as you have avoided the attack you’re doing it right. This tactic is especially good to use if you play a class that uses a lot of Stamina-based skills or if you don’t have enough Stamina to execute a dodge.
    *Note: A directional jump is an animation that you cannot cancel. This means once you execute it, you are locked into the animation. I believe it’s ~1 second long and you cannot use skills while jumping.
    A lot of people would call this a blocking stance, but the term “guarding” is more appropriate. Essentially you are in a defensive stance where your received damage will be significantly decreased. It does not mean that received damage goes to zero. There are some attacks that can be executed while guarding, but most attacks cannot. I believe that if it’s possible to move, jump, or dodge away from an attack then you should, but if it’s not possible then guarding is your next best bet. It’s better to take a fraction of the damage than to take full damage.

    Crafting and Enhancement
    Crafting and Enhancement in RaiderZ is essential for you to get better gears and hunt stronger monsters in the game. In this guide, we will go over some basic concepts about crafting and enhancement in RaiderZ, more information will be added to this guide as we learn more about RaiderZ after closed beta and open beta, although the information is limited now, more tips will be added later.
    The safe level of enchantment in RaiderZ is up to +3. Below is a list of level of RaiderZ enchantment and how they can affect your gears. With additional gear enchantment, the RaiderZ gears will be become stronger.
    1-3 = safe
    4-6 = downgrade by 1 by chance
    6-9 = downgrade by 1-2 or break the equipment by chance
    The crafting NPC is available at the RaiderZ town and refugee camps. The NPC will show you a list of the materials for the crafting dropped by the monsters in the area. You can assign a RaiderZ recipe list which can be shown on the UI to track how many more crafting materials that you need. This makes it easy for you to keep track of your material collection progress in RaiderZ.
    It should be noted that because you will need quite a bit of crafting materials for the different gears, you should avoid selling any of your RaiderZ loots until you have completely outleveled the area. Saving more materials is safer than having to hunt for them when you need them.
    Lastly, there are different RaiderZ craftable gears with different stats boosts, so you should spend some time and pick out the gears that suit the most toward your character.
    Crafting Rarity Color
    There are different rarities of the items that you craft in RaiderZ, below is a list of the color of crafted gear rarity ranking.
    Normal (white)
    Common (Green)
    Rare (Blue)
    Legendary (Purple)
    Notes on Material Collection
    Because monsters at the same level can take a bit time to kill, it is better to have RaiderZ party and kill with a bunch of people for higher

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