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  1. The Best Raiderz Class [Hot]

    Sunday 21 April 2013

    The Best Raiderz Class

    Although I'm sure I will take some heat from saying this, there is in fact a best Raiderz class at the current point in the game. Although Raiderz does a pretty good job balancing classes for just entering open beta, there are some obvious discrepancies.

    1st Place: The Defender

    I'm sure a lot of people thought Sorcerer was going to go here. The truth is the heavy armor, high damage, and insane stuns as well as an inability to be caught make Defender the best class in Raiderz.

    In PvP Defenders are able to keep players knocked down or dazed while dishing out high damage. Although defender doesn't have the highest damage output, this is offset by the fact that all other classes wear weaker armor. If a Berserker and defender go toe to toe for example, Berserker will do more damage, but Defender has higher armor, as a result they end up equal in damage taken. The difference is Defenders can heal, block completely with shield, and stun/disable the Berserker to oblivion. This makes them near unstoppable in PvP, at most I see people forcing them to retreat, but virtually never killing them.

    Now I'm sure somebody would say at this point, that's just PvP! What about PvE?

    While soloing its almost impossible to die as a Defender. Although killing monsters takes slightly (and I mean slightly) longer than Berserkers and Sorcerers, Defenders have pretty much no down time. If they hybrid a point into revitalize in the cleric tree, they have literally no down time. This means that they can progress through quests/mobs faster than clerics with a huge amount more survivability than Sorc/Zerk.

    What about endgame?

    Endgame dungeons in Raiderz require a Defender to soak the damage and provide group damage reduction. Although they aren't really viable as damage dealers in a group, they are the only class that can really take the pain that some bosses dish out. Although a group can get by without them if all players are fully capable of dodging, Defenders speed up the run.

    2nd Place: Sorcerer

    In Raiderz Sorcerer deals more damage endgame than any other class. Berserkers are close but because of stamina issues and needing to run out of boss range are second. On top of being extremely powerful damage wise, Sorcerers are extremely difficult to catch because they are ranged making them a pain in PvP.

    The only reason Sorcerers aren't first is because they are easier to kill than Defender. Although they get to stand back safely at a range, they can be brought from full to empty in one solid chain from a Berserker. In PvP they can feel very powerful from their ability to take somebody from 80% to zero while never getting close, normally making them peoples view of the most powerful.

    What about PvE?

    They are powerful in PvE and capable of destroying mobs quickly and efficiently. Unfortunately they suffer from down time since they don't have a solid method of not taking damage or returning to full health rapidly. This means they start to balance in speed to Defenders because they need to take breaks.

    What about endgame?

    Sorcerers in Raiderz are powerful endgame. Their ability to do huge damage to the bosses without ever needing to get near make them great additions to endgame teams.

    3rd Place: Cleric

    The Cleric in Raiderz is considered one of the borderline unkillable classes, unfortunately they are also the class that is least likely to kill a player. Although they can slowly beat on an enemy and have an ability to burst, they just don't bring enough killing power to the table when compared to the other three. They don't have the CC Defenders have or the damage output of Sorcerers and Berserkers. What they do have though is the ability to run and heal to full.

    In PvP Clerics take the role of support healer and rabbit. Pretty much if you are going toe to toe with anybody, you run. If a Cleric is stunned, they are more than likely dead. This is equalized by them being extremely hard to catch, and the ability to use mail as well as mace and shield. Overall, they end up being one of the borderline unkillable classes along with Defenders because of the ability to go from zero to near full quickly and being insanely hard to catch.

    What about PvE?

    They require almost zero downtime since they are a healer but killing mobs can take a while. They are a healing class with the ability to do damage, don't be shocked that in PvE they are the turtle, slow and steady.

    What about endgame?

    They're healers. In Raiderz there will always be a spot for a Cleric in the group, just not normally a dpsing one.

    4th Place: Berserker

    I don't know what would piss people off more, putting Defender at one, or Berserker at four, but lets be honest, they need to wear plate or fix their stamina costs.

    Berserkers can be a devastating force in PvP with the ability to take a group from full health down to near nothing. The knockdowns that Berserkers use are extremely potent, unfortunately they are extremely killable with virtually no escapes. They suffer from the fact that all of their abilities use stamina which is their only way of escaping so after hitting a combo they find themselves unable to dodge their way out of a fight. They do the damage of the Sorcerer, but are much easier to catch.

    What about PvE?

    Berserkers are solid in PvE. They are able to kill mobs quickly and with their AoE swings they are able to kill multiple enemies quickly. Unfortunately Berserkers often have to take breaks because they take damage from being in melee range and have no effective way to heal. This makes them one of the fastest classes in killing mobs, but also has one of the longest downtimes

    What about endgame?

    They are sought after endgame as damage dealers. Where Sorcerers can be one shot by a boss, Berserkers are able to to take two to three shots, making them more reliable in some fights.


    In the end the developers of Raiderz did a great job in keeping classes mostly balanced making it mostly up to players skills, but Defenders/Sorcerers undeniably have advantages. This could be solved by reducing the damage of Defenders and upping the squishiness of Sorcerers (or reducing their damage slightly, honestly Berserkers should be top damage since they have more risk in melee range). 

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